Benefits of Jatropha Leaves (Jatropha curcas) as Herbal Medicine
pada 22:55
Benefits of Jatropha Leaf for Babies
1. Treating Flatulence
One of the benefits of Jatropha leaves is to cure flatulence. The trick is very easy, by baking a few leaves of jatropha on the fire until wilted. Apply a little coconut oil and paste it on the stomach.
2. Healing the Colds
Colds in infants makes parents worried. To treat it, you can use Jatropha leaves. Place a few pieces of jatropha leaves on the fire. Add eucalyptus oil and paste it on the area of the baby's stomach, chest and back.
3. Reducing Fever
Fever is not a disease but a symptom of an illness. You can reduce baby fever by using jatropha leaves. Wet some jatropha leaves, then stick to the baby forehead. Wait a few moments then the fever will slowly decrease.
Benefits of Jatropha Leaf for Health
1. Treating Scars
Scars tend to give a sore and itchy sensation. Jatropha leaves can be one of the right handling solutions. The trick is to pound a few pieces of jatropha leaves and attach them to the scar.
2. Curing Facial Muscle Paralysis
Do not let your beautiful face diminish due to loosened facial muscles. Routinely stick the jatropha leaves on your face to prevent facial muscle paralysis. But make sure the leaves you use are free of germs and bacteria.
3. Treating Cervical Cancer
One cure for cervical cancer that you can do is to routinely consume jatropha leaves. This leaf contains dimethyl sulfoxide which is able to effectively maintain the health of your female area.
4. Treating Ear Inflammation
Inflammation of the ear should not be allowed because it will have bad consequences. Dripping 6 drops of Jatropha leaf sap can be done as an alternative cure. Do this step until the inflammation in your ear heals completely.
5. Curing Toothache
Toothache in the hollow tooth area can now be easily overcome. Simply by dripping jatropha leaf sap on a sore tooth, the antimicrobial substance will work effectively to reduce pain in your teeth.
6. Treating thrush
Sprue will decrease appetite. In addition, this disease can also make odors in the mouth caused by bacterial activity. Overcome with jatropha leaf sap in the canker sores area. Do this step three times a day until the canker sores heal.
7. Overcoming Constipation
Constipation usually occurs due to lack of water and fiber intake. Eat jatropha leaves that have been steamed as vegetable companions.
8. Treating rheumatism
Rheumatism will certainly disrupt and limit your daily activities. Immediately take Jatropha leaves that are old but still fresh. Mash until smooth and paste in the area that is the source of rheumatism. Do it every day and see the difference.
9. Curing Coughs
Boil some leaves or root roots in enough water. Drink when warm three times a day to cure coughing while thinning phlegm.
10. Treating Hernias
Hernias can now be quickly cured with jatropha leaves. Take a few leaves from the distance of the fence that has grown and then blend it manually. Place it in the middle area of the bottom foot and wrap it with gauze.